Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Restoration Monitoring with UAV Eelgrass beds provide food and habitat for blue crabs, young striped bass, bay scallops, waterfowl, and many other aquatic species. The beds also filter pollutants, reduce shoreline erosion, trap sediments, and add oxygen to the water. 2021 Data Acquisition Details The aerial submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) imagery from …
Category Archives: EcoDrone
KY Mitigation Compliance
KY Mitigation Compliance Section 404 Clean Water Act Mitigation compliance documentation can be very difficult due to the complexity and detail of many permit conditions. Waypoint, LLC specializes in regulatory compliance assistance and its personnel have been monitoring mitigation sites in multiple states for many years.
KY Stream Restoration
Stream restoration services include stream restoration assessment, design, and construction monitoring services. Whether it is a baseline study or full stream restoration design plan our team regularly performs these tasks to help our clients meet their project goals. Using Rosgen and standard survey trained stream restoration specialists, Waypoint, LLC provides detailed longitudinal profiles, functional assessments, …
Kentucky Bat Survey
Kentucky Bat Survey During this bat survey for a planned resource extraction site (surface and underground highwall/auger coal mining) mist net and acoustic sampling was employed. Prior to sampling a summer and winter habitat assessment was performed to identify the amount of and potential for habitat presence. The Kentucky Bat Survey (Whitley County) was performed …
Stream & Wetland Mitigation Monitoring
Stream & Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Section 404 Clean Water Act Mitigation compliance documentation can be very difficult due to the complexity and detail of many permit conditions. In recent years we have implemented the deployment of our Ecodrone systems. This technology allows us to provide high resolution aerial imagery and gives our clients the data …
Kentucky Drone Services
Kentucky Drone Services are provided by our FAA certified drone pilots. Our EcoDrones can provide a wide variety of site assessment data including Thermal Imagery, Low Elevation Video Data, Construction Monitoring or Surveillance, Aerial Imagery, Spill Monitoring and Assessment, Legal Exhibits, and a wide variety of other environmental or ecological habitat assessment or other ecological …
Aerial Ecological Assessments
Aerial ecological assessments using the newest technology (EcoDrones) available to us we have now integrated aerial imaging into our list of services. Our custom built EcoDrones (UAVs, sUAS) allow us to capture low-elevation high resolution color video or still photos for ecological assessments of watersheds. This allows us to further document ecological resources in a …
Section 7 ESA Consultation
Section 7 ESA consultation is required for projects to identify whether any proposed or listed species are located within a given area of a proposed action. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) requires project review information to meet the requirements of Section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (EA) of 1973, as amended (16 …
Drone Construction Monitoring
Drone construction monitoring provides current aerial data (images, video, etc) for your construction site. Allowing for better decision making and compliance with regulatory permits. We can help provide real-time digital data from your site allowing for better decision making and monitoring of sensitive sites.
Mitigation Monitoring
Mitigation monitoring compliance has become a very high priority for many government agencies, in particular, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We have helped design, manage, monitor or construct over one hundred thousand feet of stream and over 50 acres of wetlands and have achieved the ultimate goal of receiving a letter from the appropriate …