KY Stream Restoration

Stream restoration services include stream restoration assessment, design, and construction monitoring services. Whether it is a baseline study or full stream restoration design plan our team regularly performs these tasks to help our clients meet their project goals. Using Rosgen and standard survey trained stream restoration specialists, Waypoint, LLC provides detailed longitudinal profiles, functional assessments, …

Kentucky Bat Survey

Kentucky Bat Survey During this bat survey for a planned resource extraction site (surface and underground highwall/auger coal mining) mist net and acoustic sampling was employed. Prior to sampling a summer and winter habitat assessment was performed to identify the amount of and potential for habitat presence. The Kentucky Bat Survey (Whitley County) was performed …

Kentucky Stream Restoration

Kentucky Stream Restoration Stream mitigation including stream restoration design and construction monitoring services. Whether it is a baseline study or full stream restoration design plan our team regularly performs these tasks to help our clients meet their project goals. Using Rosgen and standard survey trained stream restoration specialists, Waypoint, LLC provides their clients with longitudinal …

Spring Mitigation Monitoring

Spring mitigation monitoring has begun. This stream restoration site was permitted under the Clean Water Act using a Nationwide Permit. Natural stream design techniques were applied using a combination of Rosgen and standard survey practices using a reference reach. The restoration project has been successful in restoring fish and macroinvertebrate habitat, and has also been …

Ecological Surveys

Ecological surveys such as fish census or stream habitat assessments are necessary to provide data for assessing the current conditions of an ecosystem. A fish census provides a snapshot into the populations (i.e. diversity) of fish species within a segment of stream. A stream habitat assessment can provide insights into the current habitat conditions of …

Aerial Ecological Assessments (EcoDrones)

Aerial ecological assessments using the newest technology (EcoDrones) available to us we have now integrated aerial imaging into our list of services. Our custom built EcoDrones (UAVs, sUAS) allow us to capture low-elevation high resolution color video or still photos for ecological assessments of watersheds. This allows us to further document ecological resources in a …

Fish Surveys

Jesse Robinson carrying the battery and backpack electro-fish shocker. The device stuns fish for several seconds so populations can be counted. These surveys can be used for baseline studies required for projects needing Clean Water Act permitting (NPDES), Section 404, Nationwide or Individual Permits or Protection and Enhancement Plans.