Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys

Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys and analysis is provided by our team of aquatic entomologists and biologists. Waypoint’s macroinvertebrate survey team is equipped to take on all of your aquatic survey needs. If you have any questions about your biological monitoring compliance needs or programs, please give us a call and we will be …

Stream & Wetland Mitigation Monitoring

Stream & Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Section 404 Clean Water Act Mitigation compliance documentation can be very difficult due to the complexity and detail of many permit conditions. In recent years we have implemented the deployment of our Ecodrone systems. This technology allows us to provide high resolution aerial imagery and gives our clients the data …

Training for Quality Assurance

  At least once a year, our field teams gather for Quality Assurance and Quality ControlĀ (QA/QC) Annual Training to review and demonstrate our field methods. All of our field methods are based on published Standard Operating Procedure Manuals that guide all sampling or monitoring techniques. This is also a part of our Kentucky Division of …

Macroinvertebrate Analysis & Identification

Macroinvertebrate Analysis & Identification Order: Ephemeroptera Family: Ephemeridae Genus: Ephemera Total Number of Species: 6 (1 recently extinct) Habitat: Lotic & Lentic Systems – Depositional Areas, consisting of sand and gravel Habit: Burrowers Trophic Relationships: Collectors; Predators; Filterers North American Distribution: Widespread     Specimen taken from an aquatic macroinvertebrate sample conducted in Bell County, …

Spring Mitigation Monitoring

Spring mitigation monitoring has begun. This stream restoration site was permitted under the Clean Water Act using a Nationwide Permit. Natural stream design techniques were applied using a combination of Rosgen and standard survey practices using a reference reach. The restoration project has been successful in restoring fish and macroinvertebrate habitat, and has also been …