Archaeological Surveys

Archaeological Surveys Archaeological surveys for Section 106 review typically requires a phase I archaeological survey using surface and subsurface investigative techniques. During this survey we encountered many Sandstone Outcrops like the one pictured below extending out of the local topography within steeply cut valleys. Our archaeological survey team is equipped to take on all of …

Phase I Archaeological Survey – Bell and Knock County Kentucky

The purpose of this project was to identify any archaeological resources within the project area and assess their potential eligibility for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). This site was approximately 350 acres in size and was related to a proposed surface and underground coal mining operation. The main area subject to …

Phase I Archaeological Survey – Kentucky

Phase I Archaeological Survey – Kentucky The purpose of this project was to identify any archaeological resources within the project area and assess their potential eligibility for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Although no archaeological sites were recorded we documented multiple rock overhangs (see below) and a few abandoned mine portals. …

Phase I Archaeological Survey – Letcher County, Kentucky

Phase I Archaeological Survey – Letcher County, KY This Phase I survey was conducted for a proposed 700 acre coal mine in Harlan and Letcher Counties, Kentucky. The majority of the survey was located on a heavily dissected mountain flank on steep upper side slopes. During this survey 10 rock overhangs were documented and one …

Phase I Archaeological Survey – Harlan County, KY

During this Phase I Archaeological survey which was conducted within the Benham, KY U.S.G.S. 7.5′ topographic quadrangle, steep side slopes of Black Mountain were surveyed to identify any archaeological resources within the project area and assess their potential eligibility for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NHRP). The field efforts consisted of visual …