Our Services
Environmental Services
Water Quality
Freshwater Macroinvertebrates
Terrestrial Zoology
Stream and Wetland Mitigation
Threatened and Endangered Species (Aquatic and Terrestrial) Surveys and Habitat Assessments
Hydrologic Determinations (TDEC HDT)
Bat Surveys and Habitat Assessments
Regional Curve Development and Analysis
Aquatic Assessments
Ecological / Biological Assessments and Evaluations
Section 7 Endangered Species Act (ESA) Studies and Mitigation Plans
Natural Resource Management
Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permitting and Compliance (Section 402)
Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPP) Monitoring and Coordination
Best Management Practices Plans (BMPs)
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Stream Quantification Tool (SQT ) Assessments
Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Assessments
Eastern Kentucky Stream Assessment Protocol (EKSAP) Assessments
High and Low Gradient Stream Assessments
Corridor Studies and Planning
Cumulative Impact Analysis
Clean Water Act Sections 401, 402, and 404 Permitting
Wetland Delineations and Jurisdictional Determinations
Geospatial Mapping and Analysis/GIS
Water Quality Sampling, Monitoring, and Analysis
Protection and Enhancement Plans
Marine and Ocean Sciences
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Studies
Biological Assessments (BA)
Environmental Assessments (EA)
Cultural Resource Services
Historic and Prehistoric Archaeology
Cultural Resource Management
Section 106 Compliance Assistance
Mitigation Banking Services
Bank Development and Establishment
Property Assessment / Analysis
Permitting and Regulatory Review
Stream and Wetland Mitigation
Economic Analysis
Archaeological Survey
Section 7 (ESA) Surveys and Review
Biological Assessment
Baseline Studies
GIS Data Services
Waypoint, LLC provides Geographic Information System (GIS) and related mapping, design, and implementation for many types of projects including stream delineation, mitigation banking, stream restoration, construction, environmental assessments, cumulative impact assessments, archaeological surveys, and many other types of projects. GIS technology assists our clients in accomplishing operations and maintenance tasks more quickly and efficiently. Our GIS technicians work closely with staff to develop a final product that is meets individual project needs within the available budget.
Waypoint, LLC uses the latest GIS technology to collect data and develop geographic products for your projects. Our GIS Professional and technicians are ESRI trained and also utilize technology such as GPS and field data collectors to enhance field data acquisition, which allows us to provide comprehensive service to meet all of your needs.